

英日字典: national_liberation_army

national liberation army   (TTS Sound)

The national_liberation_army has 2 Senses.

  • national liberation army, eln
  • a Marxist terrorist group formed in 1963 by Colombian intellectuals who were inspired by the Cuban Revolution; responsible for a campaign of mass kidnappings and resistance to the government's efforts to stop the drug trade; "ELN kidnappers target foreign employees of large corporations"
  • 1963年にキューバの革命に感化されたコロンビアの知識人で形成されたマルクス主義者のテロリスト集団

  • nestor paz zamora commission, cnpz, national liberation army, eln
  • a terrorist organization in Bolivia that acts as an umbrella for numerous small indigenous subversive groups; a revival of a group with Marxist-Leninist ideologies originally established by Che Guevara in the 1960s
  • 多数の小さな先住民の破壊的なグループのために傘のような働きをするボリビアのテロ組織

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